Tidbit Thursday ~ Etsy Tags

Time again for Tidbit Thursday! My intention for this segment of the blog is to offer my experiences in glass, tools or business and what works for me. I’ve noticed more glass artists have opened a shop on Etsy, a website for everything handmade. There’s a lot of lingo to learn on Etsy especially one of the most important ones… etsy tags.

What are tags? Tags are keywords added to your item listing so buyers on Etsy can search for your item. Think of it this way… if you want a purchase a scarf, what words would you enter in a search engine to find it? For me, I would enter the words blue, scarf and felt. All tagged items with those keywords will open in your search window.

How does this apply to glass? Take one of my listings as shown in the first screenshot. You can have up to 14 tags so I try use every single one of them. Generally, I will always use glass as a top-level category, then lampwork followed by color tags. Color tags are the descriptions I usually find lacking in an Etsy listing. I think this is important because not everyone is privy to the technical terms we glass artists use everyday like Moretti, Vetrofond, etc. They are also very helpful because many people in the Etsy community like to make treasuries using a color theme.

I hope you’ve found this tidbit useful. 🙂 Have a great Thursday everyone… the weekend is almost here!

One thought on “Tidbit Thursday ~ Etsy Tags

  1. Nicole Valentine of NValentine Studio asked me a valid question. How do I tag my beads and jewelry? Here’s How:If it’s jewelry with glass (such as the Galileo pendant) I’ll list it as:Glass > Jewelry > Pendant > LampworkIf it’s jewelry with NO glass (such as the resin earrings) I’ll list it as:Jewelry > EarringsIf it’s lampwork beads I’ll list it as:Glass > Lampwork > Beads

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