Customizing Your Facebook Page + Your Brand

Oh the power of Pinterest. 🙂 The other evening, I was browsing through all my pins when I cam across this one by Ciera Design on Adding Apps to Facebook. Two things crossed my mind. 1) This is something I’ve been wanting to do… for. a. long. time. 2) It looked pretty easy enough.

Easy because, Ciera Design offers a step-by-step tutorial on how to accomplish this along with direct links to the apps on Facebook. I no had longer had excuses… so I spent about two hours designing images for the tabs and redoing the cover photo. My Facebook Page is more of my design aesthetic and I’m so pleased with the results!

My various social media outlets are easier to find and, most important, easier to recognize. Remember, your Facebook Page is an extension of your brand. I’ve always encouraged to keep your brand consistent throughout AND not change it (like the font or color) often. People will recognize your logo as the years go by. I’ve had customers who know and find me based on the logo alone… and I’ve used the same logo for 5 years. Just recently, I had a customer who recognized my logo at Craftoberfest because someone had gifted them a bracelet… 2 years ago. If you think about it, how often do major brands change their logo? Coke-a-Cola? UPS hadn’t changed their logo in 30 years before they did a slight update in 2003 (only the 4th update in their 90+ history).

So, go! Take the time and make your Facebook Page all pretty. 🙂 Build your audience. Have a cupcake. Oh wait… that’s what I’ll be having now. 🙂

Hope you have a fabulous day!

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